Monday, December 7, 2009

December News

Dear Parents,

December is such a wonderful and busy time of year. I wanted to give you some dates and reminders of some of our upcoming activities.

December 7- (tonight)- P.T.O. Live Auction from 6:30 to 7:30

December 9 - SSC Toy Drive- toys are being collected in the lobby on that day.

December 15- Deadline for Toy Drive to fill stockings for girls and boys at Children's Hospital

December 16 - Performance of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." You are invited to come see us perform this Reader's Theater script at 1:30 in our classroom.

December 17- Class Holiday party at 8:30.

December 18 - Early dismissat at 1:00. Pajama Day and Board Games.

Thank you for your support of these wonderful events taking place at SSC!

Also, Mr. Lawry has presented a challenge to us as parents. If 150 people/families sign up for Twitter and become followers of our school he will wear a cheerleader outfit and work in carpool while wearing it. I will have to drop Sarah off in carpool that day! Ha ha! Thanks!

Mrs. Chapman