Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for sending in "community" snacks this week. The children were so excited on Monday and it is working out well. If you have not sent snacks yet please send them this week. These should last us through September! Also, I want to thank you for looking over your child's graded papers and sending them back today.
On Thursday your child will bring home their morning work notebook so he or she can study D.O.L. sentences we have worked on during the week. We check our morning work together everyday and discuss the corrections so they should not have to spend too much time studying for Friday's DOL quiz.
I am sending home Scholastic Book orders tomorrow. If you would like to order please have all orders submitted to Scholastic or returned to school by Tuesday, October 7th. Our class scholastic code is FLKQ9.
Mark your calendar for P.T.O. Open House on Tuesday, September 14th at 6:30. I hope you will make plans to join us and come visit our classroom.
Hoover Schools has created a committee whose goal is to educate our students, parents, and community about how to be a good "Digital Citizen". A large part of this campaign is to host three Community Information Nights during the month of September for parents, community members, local media, community leaders, and students (5th grade and up will be most appropriate). The three sessions will be held as follows:
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 @ Bumpus Middle, 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, September 16, 2010 @ Berry Middle, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 @ Simmons Middle, 7:00 p.m.

This week I sent home the SchoolMessenger account information for each student. SchoolMessenger is Hoover City Schools' notification system used to provide communication to parents on matters such as attendance, general interest activities, and campus/district emergencies. The form includes the steps and code you will need to set up an account for your child.
What we are learning this week:
Math- Addition and Subtraction strategies, the games Capture 5 and Collect $2.00
Reading - Reading strategies for comprehension, accuracy, and fluency; noticing and paying attention to interesting words to expand our vocabulary
Spelling - words with short i and long i sounds
Writing - noticing sensory details authors use to make stories more interesting and clear; using these "juicy" details in our own writing to describe
Social Studies - map skills, locating and reviewing the seven continents and four major oceans

Thanks for all you do to help your child and our classroom! We will be all smiles tomorrow for picture day! :)

Mrs. Chapman

Monday, April 26, 2010

April/May news

Dear Parents,
I want to thank you for your support of the Family Fun Fair held last week. I really appreciate all of you who were able to help with our booth. It was nice to see so many of you and the children at the fair. My family and I had so much fun that we stayed until it closed! I want to especially thank Karen Gunnells for the work she did for our class in setting up our booth schedule and making treat bags.
Our class will perform in a chemistry musical on May 18 and May 19. I hope you received an email from me today that included information about the musical. Please let me know if you have any questions or have trouble finding a plain yellow t-shirt. After we complete the chemistry tests I will send the words to the songs home for the children to memorize.
Today I sent home a new permission slip for the Vulcan Materials field trip. Our trip is next week. Half of our class will attend on Tuesday and the other half on Wednesday. You have already paid for this trip so all we need is your signature on the form with the new date. Please return the slip by Friday.
Progress reports will be sent home on Wednesday. Graded papers will come home on Wednesday, too.
It is hard to believe that we only have 5 more weeks left in school! We have so much more to do and learn. Please help your child to continue to study their multiplication facts. I will soon begin multiplication assessments.. The benchmark goak for 3rd grade is the 1 through 5s facts, but I am encouraging the students to learn their facts beyond the 5s. We will have a quiz this Friday on the 7s multiplication facts.
This week in school:
Reading- fables and identifying the important message/lesson learned from them
Math- measurement, perimeter, and multiplication games and practice
Writing - forms of poetry; haikus, cinquains, limericks, acrostics, and shape poems
Science- performing chemisty tests; testing unknown solids
Spelling- silent letters- igh. oa, ie
Read Aloud- The Tale of Despereaux

Thank you and Have a great week!
Mrs. Chapman

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Spring /Testing News

Dear Parents,
Happy Spring! I hope you all had a nice Spring Break! I can't wait to see and hear about the fun the children had last week.
We will begin our testing this week. We will take the ARMT, Alabama Reading and Math test first. The Reading part will be given on Wednesday and the Math part will be given on Thursday. Next week the students will take the SAT Reading test on Wednesday, March 31, and SAT Math on Thursday, April 1. The children have been working hard on test practice, but some are beginning to feel anxious. If your children are feeling nervous please assure them that if they try their hardest then they will do fine. All we ask of them is to try hard and to do their best. :)
Please make sure your child goes to bed early this week and eats breakfast on the days of testing to help them do their best. Also, make sure your child is not late for school. They need to arrive by 7:45.
I will not be giving any written homework during these weeks of testing. I will still encourage the children to read each night, but will not require them to record on a log. We will, however, begin having spelling lists again this week instead of vocabulary and will have a spelling test on Friday. We will study our words and complete spelling activities in class so all that I ask is that they practice their words on Thursday night.
I am so sorry that we had to cancel our field trip to Vulcan Materials. I know the children were terribly disappointed. Our next field trip will be on April 9 when we visit DeSoto Caverns. I will email you the new dates for Vulcan as soon as they are confirmed.
Our hamster, Princess, has started going home with friends on the weekend. Michael and Presley have taken her home, and Allie and Grace have asked to take her home next. If you are interested in bringing Princess home for the weekend please let me know. She has a new hamster cage and we are having fun watching her play in it.
We are out of paper towels and kleenexes. If you could pick up an extra roll or box for us we would greatly appreciate it. Lysol wipes would be a great help, too. Hopefully, strep and the stomach bug are not as rampant as they were before the break.
Spring pictures will be taken on Thursday, April 25. These are individual pictures only.
Have a great week!

Thank you,
Mrs. Chapman

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January/ Winter News

Dear Parents,
What a busy month this has been! I can't believe it is almost February. I have been busy completing mid-year assessments and look forward to sharing these with you.

Our class is beginning to practice for the S.A.T. tests coming in March. I will be sending home some homework practice for this starting next week, too. The children are very excited and I want them to feel as prepared as I can.

If you would like to order books from the Scholastic Book orders please send your money by Friday of this week. If you are not able to order books at this time Mrs. Brown, our librarian, is having another book fair in February.

Please start buying or making Valentine cards for our class. We will exchange cards on Friday, February 12th. Addressing the cards and envelopes in cursive would be a fun way for your child to practice cursive writing. Practice makes perfect!

This semester I am emphasizing neatness in our work and remembering to put our names on all of our papers. Please help your child take on this responsibility at home with homework as well.

What we have been learning this week:

Math- Multiplication strategies and word problems, patterns on the skip-counting charts, and investigation of arrays

Reading- Questioning and wondering strategies to help us think about what we are reading and to read for answers to their questions

Social Studies - Native Americans of the Southwest; researching information on specific animals of the Southwest

Writing - Descriptive paragraphs

Vocabulary and spelling - Unit 4 words (We had all As and Bs on our last vocabulary test!) :)

Cursive - capital letters M, N, O, K, H

Read Aloud - The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Thank you so much!

Julie Chapman